Saturday, November 3, 2007

The re-write reality

NaNoWriMo has begun without me. Instead, I'm working on rewrites for Under the Suns of Sarshan, which was a 2004 NaNo novel. It just goes to show how much longer rewrites take than the initial draft. Especially the slop that you can crank out in a month. I'm big on deadlines and think NaNo is great. I just have too many unfinished manuscripts to deal with before I start something new. I'm hoping to get through the rewrites this month. For a break, occasionally, I'll deal with rewrites on the two short stories I wrote in September. Then there's the... I don't know seventh pass?...on the novel after this last rewrite is critiqued by my group. If all goes well, I'll be sending the final manuscript around to agents and editors in February while I write the screenplay. It's what the story REALLY wants to be anyway.

I'd rather be writing!! (@@)

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